Puccini’s Religious Opera To Be Performed In A Sacred Space
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Puccini’s Religious Opera To Be Performed In A Sacred Space

Buffalo Opera Company Sotto Voce Stages Puccini’s “Sister Angelica” Friday, June 28 and Sunday June 30th at St. Joseph University Parish in Buffalo.

A century ago Giacomo Puccini wrote three one-act operas (il trittico) which premiered at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. The second of the trilogy, “Suor Angelica,” invokes deep, existential and religious themes as it tells the story of a nun (Sister Angelica) who penitently cloisters herself in a convent near Florence after giving birth to an illegitimate child.

Local opera company Sotto Voce is staging “Sister Angelica” (directed by Alex Huddleston) at Saint Joseph University Parish, 3269 Main Street, Buffalo for two performances, Friday June 28 at 7:00PM and Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 3:00PM.

Tickets are $35 and may be purchased here.

Cast of Sotto Voce's staging of Suor Angelica
Cast, from top left: Jamie Gangemi (The Monitor), Laurie Pastena (The Abbess/ Second Lay Sister), Maria Jacobi (The Novice), Sarah Arrowsmith (Suor Osmina), Emily Yancey (First Traveling Sister), Jessie Downs (Suor Angelica), Rosa Vu (Suor Dolcina), Maria Parker (The Nursing Sister), Aleksandra Tirone (First Lay Sister/ Second Traveling Sister), Ola Rafalo (La Principessa), Julia Anne Cordani (Suor Genovieffa), Erin Alexander (The Mistress of the Novices)